Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hurricaine Zelda

Zelda has more sense about men than I ever have. Thank God.

She was telling me about her trip to the Mall of America. She wasn't that crazy about the Mall but the 4-day stay at the Airport Hilton was illuminating. Zelda met the Married American Businessman in his natural habitat.

Zelda is a beautiful girl. Yea, I know, I'm her mother, I'm biased, but she really is. She's 5' tall, a curvy size 4, has long, strawberry blonde hair, and a personality that knocks men flat. And she's Southern. And she was in Minnesota. It was bound to get ugly.

There were wedding rings getting slipped off and left hands shoved into pockets all over the place.

Would men act this way if they knew how laughable girls like Zelda found them? Since she went into the workforce at 16, men in their 30s and 40s have asked her out. Various reactions: "But he's so OLD!", "That's so gross!", "He's 12 years older than I am!!", and now, "Does he think I'm blind that I didn't see that ring?"

Even women like me, who have a higher tolerance for hound dog behavior, certainly don't respect them in the morning. (And how many cross-hybrids results of the free-love 70s and a family that taught early and well to trust no one can there be running around?)

Maybe for guys it's like fishing: it doesn't matter how many fish in the lake are swiming around laughing at their lures, going 'Didn't catch me!', as long as there's a hope they'll hook something.


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