Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Scorpion and the Frog

I have a favorite story. There's a flood and animals are having a hard time getting around. So a scorpion goes up to a frog and says "Mr. Frog, are you going across the river? I need to get to the other side and I was wondering if I could ride across on your back?"

The frog is understandably leery of the scorpion and says "I'm not going to let you on my back. You'll sting me and I'll die!"

"But Mr. Frog," says the scorpion "That would make no sense. If you die, I would die too. I can't swim."

The frog thinks about this and gives the scorpion a ride.

Halfway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog and as he's dying the frog asks "But why? You'll die too."

"I couldn't stop myself." replied the scorpion. "It's my fucking nature."

People don't change. You always want to think that tragedy can bring out the best in people, that there will be an epiphany where they will realize important life lessons and make changes that improve their life and the lives of those around them.

That doesn't happen.

For people who have good things in their nature, they are reminded of the important things, may get in touch with emotions and beliefs they've lost track of in the hectic everyday of life, but people who are petty and vicious will just use the tragedy of others as one more opportunity to play the same games they always play. Nothing changes.


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