Saturday, December 03, 2005

Daddy Issues

Brad Pitt has petitioned to adopt Angelina Jolie's children. Much tsk-tsk and 'Poor Jen' erupt.

Since none of them called me with the gory details, I wouldn't presume to know what's going on, but I'm not all that surprised.
I would hope any woman would know that a man has made a commitment to her children before she allows him to be called 'Daddy'.

And since I'm in old crank mode...I am amazed at how many girls I have heard talk about how they aren't willing to marry the fathers of their children as if that's too much of a commitment. What kind of commitment do they think is having a baby with someone?

Marriages come, they go, but babies are forever. For the rest of your life you have to deal with the other parent: custody, support, visitation, 'family' photos at the kid's wedding, Grandchildren-in-common. Even if the father walks out, you'll see him in the child's eyes or hair or the way they stand or maybe you'll just have to comfort them when they cry because they don't have a Daddy. You'll sign on for all that with someone who's not good enough to marry?

In the bad old days you paid your money and took your chances and sometimes 'surprises' happened, but this is post-pill, post-Roe v. Wade, post-they give condoms away at school. Having a baby is a choice now. How does anyone have a child they aren't committed to raising the best they can?

As for the Jolie-Pitts...I hope they prove the naysayers wrong, last forever, raise happy, well-adjusted kids, and put out a Deluxe DVD of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.


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