Friday, December 02, 2005

The Generational Divide

When did oral sex change from something a guy had to beg for, something 'special', to not much more than shaking hands?

I think my age group started the change. It was one of those things you did while you put off doing the thing that made you technically not a virgin (that used to matter) and it didn't get you pregnant, and we got into the habit of not putting it in our 'count' ("Oh,I never had sex with him. We just fooled around a little").

People my age, especially southern ones, at least if they were honest, knew exactly what Bill Clinton was saying when he played the "I didn't have sex with that woman." game. It's a game we've all been playing since High School.

But I've usually dated older guys and, according to them, the old joke "Why is the Bride smiling in the wedding photos? Because she knows she'll never have to give another blow job." is sadly based in reality. Evidently in the olden days there was a lot of begging involved in getting a girl/woman to do 'That!' The 'That!'-meter has now moved on to other things and oral sex seems to be accepted as a standard requirement of a physical relationship.

I'm glad that people are more open about their sexuality but I do wonder if they're missing some of the fun parts of the old days along with the guilt and repression.


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