Friday, December 02, 2005

Women Rule

I'm watching morning television and I see a big banner proclaiming "Women Rule".

Imagine a banner, and a corresponding concert series, proclaiming "Men Rule". That's so not happening.

I like women, like being a woman, think women are wonderful, but men are getting screwed. They are treated as idiots in commercials, treated unequally by the law, and I actually had a classmate say this week "If I hit my husband and he was a Bitch and called the police, I'd really hit him as soon as they left." There was no shame in making that statement and it got a lot of support. Can you even imagine the response if a man made the same statement about his wife?

Courts say that they make custody decisions in the best interest of the child, then they presume that it's in the child's best interest to be raised by the mother, and will go through some amazing twists in logic to support that position.

Oh well, at least it's easier to get a blow job.


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