Saturday, December 03, 2005

Thank you, Sir. May I have another?

There are few things as frustrating as a closeted Masochist.

I have a friend who will allow people to treat her horribly. Say awful things. Do awful things. Betray her confidences. Two weeks later, all is forgiven and they're best buddies. It's like she's begging for the next slapdown.

Does she realize it's coming and that's the payoff or is she so wedded to the goal of being 'nice' that she'll put up with anything rather than stand up for herself? If being the Good Girl was working for her I don't think it would bother me as much but, at last count, she's 25 pounds underweight, doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, is self-destructive, has panic attacks, and is destroying relationships with people who genuinely do care about her.

And there's nothing I can do about it.


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