Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Snatched Away

I seem to take special notice of stories about people who find each other after a lifetime then lose each other too soon. Today the remains of a woman were identified. She was kidnapped and murdered months ago leaved behind a new husband who adored her. This being the age of Scott Peterson, the husband was investigated and cleared at the time of her disappearance.

Around the same time, a guy walked into a court room and blew away, among others, the Judge. The Judge, who was loved all over the community, was especially loved by his new wife.

The stories seem to be everywhere. Some are taken by violence, some by illness, some by driving down the Interstate at the wrong moment. Whatever the cause of these 'soulmates' absence it seems especially painful and it always raises the question: is it better to have found great love and had it for months or to have never known it at all? Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Better to lose someone in the full bloom of love instead of waiting 20 years till you despise one another?


At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pain is good. It makes you grow. Although in the moment I would definitely say that whatever idiot that said "better to have loved and lost..." had probably never loved and lost anyone or anything in his life. In retrospect, one can better appreciate the pain.


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