Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Best and Worst

Oh why not? Everyone else is doing it.


Best Comedy: Wedding Crashers

Best Drama: still waiting....

Best scripted romance: Zach and Kendall, All My Children

Worst scripted romance: Nick and Jessica, every tabloid on the planet

Best Celebrity romance: Brad and Angelina

Worst Celebrity romance: Tom and Katie

Tackiest Celebrity romance: Britney and KFed

Best Reality Show Contestant: Rafe, the Gay Mormon from Survivor

Most Hated Reality Show Contestant: The Weaver Family, The Amazing Race

Lucky famous baby: Zahara Jolie-Pitt

Pray for DFACS famous baby: Sean Federline

Best new TV show: My Name is Earl

Most recovered TV show: 6 Feet Under

Biggest Train Wreck: Kimberly Stewart

Most in need of a good meal: Nicole Richie

Most in need of a new family: Lindsey Lohan

Most in need of a break from the spotlight: Tom Cruise


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