Thursday, December 08, 2005

Save Tookie?

I'm not a big fan of the death penalty. It's too possible to make mistakes. Mistakes have been made. I'm uncomfortable with the concept of the state putting a guilty man to death. The thought of an innocent man being killed by the governement is unthinkable.

And then there's Tookie.

Every time I hear of what a good person he's become and that's why he shouldn't be executed I think of the 26 years. If he has truly repented and seen the error of his ways, and I wouldn't bet on the sincerity of his behavior, he had 26 years to mature, grow, make his peace with God and the world that his four victims never did.

He wrote some books, books whose primary feature appears to be his face on the cover. I wonder what his victims would have written, done, accomplished with 26 years?

Maybe Tookie should be grateful that the system takes so long he had that extra time to try to do right.


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