Sunday, December 18, 2005

When Giants Stumble

Brick has always seemed...invincible? Almost always calm, strong, in charge. Even his rage has come out of a need to be in control. Lately I have been realizing just how vulnerable he can be. Has he always been like that and I didn't see it or is it something that's coming with age?

Yesterday, as we were waiting for the wrecker, he was the one who was nervous, dithering, couldn't focus, and was about to shoot the dog just to get him to shut up. That's usually my job!

I was fine. I knew Jim was coming. I was glad we weren't in the middle of Mississippi somewhere. I had the tools to focus on something other than the fact that we were sitting by the Interstate with 18-wheelers roaring by and I also had the medication to take the edge off of the experience. I was calming Brick down!

Lately it's like that moment when a child realizes their parent is suddenly old and frail and they are mortal.

Brick may not have been a husband in the traditional sense of the word but he's been a friend, boss, companion, partner, brother, father, family and I wouldn't know what to do without him.


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