Sunday, January 01, 2006

I love Big Mama..

no...I probably don't.

One of the reasons I can love/care about/tolerate Big Mama is that she lives 1500 miles away. It's a lot easier dealing with difficult people when you only have to do it for limited amounts of time every once in awhile. Truth is Big Mama is pushy, controlling, and as sensitive as a sledgehammer.

The other day I listened politely as she talked about the importance of maintaining one's established rules when company comes and thought "Aren't you the same woman who decided that Zach and Zelda couldn't watch TV in the mornings until they'd made their beds and eaten breakfast?" Now maybe that was a sound policy to have but it wasn't my policy or Brick's and every day of that visit they were told "Just go along with it. She'll be going home soon."

I want to love her. So, unless I develop a so far undetected source of patience, I'm staying far, far away.


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