Friday, December 30, 2005

The Smelly Girl in the Middle of the Cafeteria

Entry no. 5,033 about Message Board idiocy.

What is the payoff for someone in disrupting someone else's party? One of the things that made Wedding Crashers charming, except for the Will Ferrell segment, was that the main characters never crashed to cause trouble. They wanted to participate and often did their best to make the party more enjoyable for the invited guests. Why would anyone go to a place that they're disliked just because they can and they can't be stopped.

Public Message Boards are great because they are open to everyone. It's how you meet new Posters who can be wonderful additions to the group. Unfortunately, it also allows idiots who say things like "I can talk about anything I want. I don't care if the board is for people to talk about Pre-Columbian Sculpture. I'm going to talk about Bubble Gum if I want to. I pay for this service just like everyone else and no one can tell me where I can and can't post. Oh, and just because everyone else here has agreed to not call one another names? That's limiting my right to free expression and I'm going to ignore it all I want you Doody-heads"

I have met five year-olds who are more mature and better mannered.


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