Monday, December 19, 2005

Hey, You Started It

Let me see if I have the chronology straight?

Person S publicly betrays private emails between Group A, of which she was a member, in which rude things were said about Person M, a member of Group B. Group B erupts in condemnation of Group A, members of Group A protest that Person S had no business disclosing confidences from private emails in public and btw, Person S had said several things in Email Group A that had been confided in her by members of Email Group B.

Person S says it didn't happen, prove it. Several members of Group B say prove it several times, member of Group A proves it and the bad guy isn't Person S for betraying the confidences of both groups, gossiping about things said in private every time she gets mad, but the person who proved it. Group B, which heartily approved of betraying email confidences last week when it benefitted them now heartily disapproves.

What do I get from all of this?
Never trust Person S
Don't trust Groups A or B
Hope and pray my email group never explodes and, just in case it does, always watch what you say.
Never tell anyone about this blog ever!


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