Friday, January 06, 2006

Idiot on Parade

After pondering on why people live in the places they do I happened across a woman I know who is talking about her husband getting transferred and where she will and will not follow. With her it had nothing to do with climate or past experiences but was about what she thought the place she had never visited was going to be like, specifically that the people there were ignorant, ill educated rubes that she didn't want to associate with. For her it is better to have your children 3000 miles away from their father for three years than to have to live in the festering cesspool that is North Carolina.

I'm not the PR person for North Carolina and, after a long acquaintaince with this woman, I certainly wouldn't attempt to change her mind. North Carolina would be better off without her ever darkening the state line. She would not be an asset.

In fact, looking back on her previous escapades, I would not be surprised if she's not laying the groundwork for a cover story. Maybe her going along is not an option her husband is giving her? And that is something she will never admit willingly.


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