Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The List

I started the movie season with a long list of movies that I wanted to see. Some were 'Must Sees' and some were 'Maybes', depending on reviews and viewer reactions. I also decided I was going to keep track of my own ratings based on how much I enjoyed them. I looked at the list yesterday and what a disappointment.

I realized most of my 'Must Sees' haven't played anywhere close enough to go see them: The Squid and the Whale, Capote, Brokeback Mountain, and Good Night, and Good Luck. I'm still hoping for a chance to see Brokeback Mountain but the others will probably have to wait for DVD. I was able to see Syriana and that was the movie I liked the most. Jarhead and Walk the Line were okay.

Loved King Kong even though it was a 'Maybe'. Other 'Maybes' were okay; The Producers, North Country, and Ice Harvest. Some were only good for a Saturday night with nothing else to do; Chicken Little, The Family Stone, and Yours, Mine, and Ours. Derailed was a train wreck that is maybe watchable on cable (if Jennifer Anniston really derailed her marriage for a career, as rumor has it, you'd think she'd have picked better movies to do it for).

Decided not to bother with History of Violence, Munich, Pride and Predjudice, and Rent. There's only so much time and if I see everything at the theaters why bother having cable?


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