Thursday, January 12, 2006

Who IS this Guy?!!!

I have no idea who I'm married to.

After 25+ years, it slips out that his IQ is over 170. You'd think I'd know this by now. Then I remember I never knew he was an Eagle Scout until a couple of years ago.

I met him as an adult and he doesn't talk about himself much. He talks about work, politics, religion, current events but not the past. Not his past. I have no idea who his first girlfriend, first love, other sex partners were. I know where he grew up. I know that he's always liked cars. I've heard some of his wild oat military stories. But, other than a few scattered pieces of information, it's like his life started the day we met. And in 25+ years there hasn't been a lot of discussion of thoughts, hopes, wishes, dreams. What I've learned in all these years has been from observation.

Those women who find out they're married to a serial killer on the lam and they never knew? It wouldn't shock me except that we were so young when we got married. I wonder if other guys are like this or if this is 'normal' to me because I've spent my entire adult life with him.


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