Friday, January 06, 2006

Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

A couple we know is getting divorced after a year and a half of marriage. Not really any bad guys in the situation. She couldn't adjust to being a cop wife. But Brick has a need to make her the Bitch.

I think we're both using them to talk about us. I say "Well, at least they're getting out early before they have kids." and "I'd rather you tell me if you want out instead of being miserable for twenty or thirty years and sticking it out cause you think you have to." and he's very "That fucking bitch, after all he's done for her." conveniently forgetting any and every thing she's done for him (and that it's the guy who asked for the divorce).

Meanwhile, Big Mama's last lecture on the sanctity of marriage is still rattling around my brain (It doesn't matter if you're miserable. Think of the health insurance.).


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