Monday, January 09, 2006


What a great movie!

Ok, it was a great movie for someone who loves Broadway musicals, would recognize a photo of Stephen Sondheim, and has a wide enough knowledge base to get alusions to numerous plays. For me it was incredible but I imagine it would be enjoyable for a lot of people even without that.

One thing reviews miss is the individuality of the moviegoing experience. I enjoyed The Producers but would someone who didn't like musicals? Broadway? Nathan Lane? Probably not.

Maybe we all need to stop following reviews and start following our own preferences? Someone can make the best Horror film ever made and I won't like it. Just don't like Horror movies. Can tolerate a few Sci-Fis, maybe five in all the years I've gone to the movies.

Sure a horrible movie is pretty universal but what makes a movie 'good' is a lot harder to nail down.


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