Saturday, April 15, 2006

I Don't Hit Women

There are guys out there that bombastically declare they don't hit women. They may push them, shove them, grab them, all to the point of leaving bruises. They may scream at them, call them vicious names, go at them verbally for hours, taking them apart word by word. But none of that counts because they didn't hit.

I'd rather take the slap, or the punch. I'd prefer a man that hits. It would have to be better than a weasel of a bully who doesn't even have the balls to throw the punch and take the consequences. Because as long as he doesn't hit, he lies to himself and everyone he can get to listen that it doesn't count. It was just wrastlin, things just got out of hand, everyone says things they regret. It's not like he hit her or something.


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