Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Big Mac Attack

No, I'm not.

This morning around 2 a.m. I get a craving for a Big Mac Meal. Today I go to the 'good' MacDonalds, cause in my hometown the quality and cleanliness at Mickey Ds is definitely hit and miss. The good MacDonalds is at WallyWorld so I figured I'd get a bite to eat and buy some extra muslin strips for the upcoming waxing fiasco.

I should have known there was a problem when I was the 8th person in line/waiting for their order at 2:30 in the afternoon but this was the 'good' MacDonalds. How bad could it be?

I really need to stop asking myself that question.

After I placed my order and paid my money, the manager announces to the employee sitting on the floor behind the counter and everyone on the customer side of the counter, that she needs to go to the bathroom and she needed the employee to take over at the counter.

The employee told her 'No', she was busy and wasn't going to stop what she was doing. She was busy sorting through the pancake syrup, something of enormous importance in the middle of the afternoon.

So the manager gets an employee from the line and tries to teach her how to run the register and fill the eight orders on the screen. Four groups of people are now waiting to order, eight of us are waiting for our orders, the Employee of the Month is sorting through the salt and pepper packets, spilling them into the walkway and leaving them there, and the food is piling up and sitting, getting colder and going nowhere.

Thirty-five minutes after I paid for my order, the employee handed it to me. I asked for Hot Mustard to use on my fries instead of ketchup and she demanded 21 cents.

"You want 21 cents for a condiment to eat with my cold fries after I had to wait over a half hour for my order?"

"Yes" she said.

I took my order and my empty cup, put it in the garbage, and walked out the door.


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