Wednesday, September 14, 2005's for the children!

A woman chooses to have a child with a married man. She knows he has a child. She knows he has a lot of financial oligations. She knows that his wife is the person who makes the majority of the family income. This is all okay with her. She's endlessly understanding.

And then he leaves her and goes back to his wife.

Now, she's not so understanding.

Now she wants 28% of his pre-tax income and complete medical coverage for the child (which will add about another 8%). And as soon as the Judge signs the papers obligating him to the amount, she plans to release information to his employers that will cause him to lose his job.

Does anyone in her circle of friends tell her that she's being vindictive? That she's doing everything she can to destroy this guy because he never did or will leave his wife for her? Because he chose his wife and their child over her and the child they had together? No.

They tell her how great she is to fight for her daughter.

No one asks "What good does fighting for an amount on a piece of paper do for your daughter when you're going to insure he never again has the income to pay it?"

The reality is that either his wife will pay the child support or the guy will go to jail. I guess the woman feels either way she wins. Thing is, either way her daughter loses.

But hey, she's only doing it for the children.


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