Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Give and Take

Are we given the roles we play in our relationships or do we create them? Probably some combination of the two.

Brick has always been the Enforcer.

He's protected me. He's protected the kids. As soon as my family met him, he was given the job of protecting them. Got a wedding or funeral coming up and have a relative that's guarenteed to act a fool? Call Brick.

Is he even aware how much of his personal life is spent in protecting all of us? If he knows, is that something he likes or just accepts as necessary?

I often think of him as my lion....big, powerful, deadly, always prowling around the perimeter...after all these years, I can't imagine life without him in it, always there, sometimes in the background, watching, guarding. And as comforting as that is, I resent the Hell out of it sometimes.


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