Thursday, September 08, 2005

Zach's Big Secret

Zach's home and the visit is going well except for one thing. My son came home addicted to college football.

How did this happen? I raised him right. I picked his father carefully. I married a man that watches one football game a year, the Super Bowl.

We make a special day of it. In gratitude for not having to watch endless games through the season I treat that as Brick's day and he gets any and every thing he wants. He puts in his menu requests about a week before and he gets to pig out as he vegs out in front of the TV. It's one of the few holidays that actually work well in our family.

So where did this boy come from that spent the whole weekend surfing from game to game, talking recruitment and standings and coaches and stuff? I asked him if this were a bad habit he had picked up while away from home and then the truth came out.

When he was a young boy he'd watch football on the TV in his bedroom.

Unlike normal boys who'd sneak around and watch R rated movies hoping for a glimpse of feminine pulchritude, my son was sneaking around watching :::shudder::: football.

I'd be ashamed to admit this in public but I live in Georgia. I could shout it from the rooftops downtown and no one would understand why I was even bothering to mention it. To them Zach would be perfectly normal. I wanted better from my boy than normal.

Next thing you know he'll be playing golf.


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