Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Have it your way

The kids and I have liked the Gecko Grille since it opened but Brick has never understood the appeal when we'd bring him something home. Last night I realized the problem was we'd never taken him there.

He saw all the options laid out in front of him and went a little crazy. It's a like a sub shop with Mexican food. Want plain tortillas, green ones, red ones? Meat, chicken, steak, shrimp? What kind of bean? What kind of toppings?

He, Zelda, and I ended up with three trays of goopy nachos talking about life in a deserted Gecko at 9 P.M. (it's more of a lunch place). It was a good night and I was very much aware that it was one of the last times. Zelda will be gone soon and it will be just the two of us. I think it makes us appreciate each other more and the time we do have together.


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