Friday, October 14, 2005

I'm going to Disneyworld!!!

You know how kids who are sick get taken on the trip of their dreams? They go to Disneyworld, or Hawaii. Some place they've always wanted to go and there probably will be no next year. Well Beth isn't getting Disney but she is getting to go see her kids, see the new home, the new business, spend a few days seeing where they are building their lives, and then it's back to the hospital for more tests. I just feel an unbearable sadness. How hard this trip is going to be on all of them but thank goodness she's getting to go.

I saw a discussion the other day by a bunch of adults who found out their parents had 'cheated'. No matter what the circumstances or how the parents handled it they were in the wrong and the kids were pissed. If they stayed, they were wrong, if they left, they were wrong. And the kids all seemed to think it had something to do with them. They had been betrayed

I hope our kids love us, can forgive us, realize we all did the best we knew how under the circumstances, that we all loved them, that none of us could ever walk away from them in a search for 'happiness' at their expense. None of us could walk away from the committments we made when we were 18-22 years old just because we 'grew up' and realized that wasn't who or what we wanted.


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