Friday, October 14, 2005

Where there's a Will....

And in the end it's as simple as saying "He's good for me." Left unsaid all recriminations, the unspoken 'and you're not'.

I don't even know how long this is going to be good and I'm not going to worry about it. I don't love him. I like him. I'm having fun. I'm getting to know him and like what I see so far. Even Zelda has commented that we're good together and asked 'Is he married? Oh, too bad.'

He has a home to go to and 14 years of childraising ahead. That's not someone I think I have to worry about getting to serious about.

Should I be bothered that he's married? Maybe, but that's not in my belief system. I don't want to keep him. I don't want to take anything away from his wife. I don't hate her, don't know her, have no idea what her wants and needs are.

I do know that some friendly infidelity can keep a troubled marriage going a lot longer than it would be able to survive without it.

I want to treat him fairly and honestly and have him treat me the same way and I want to have fun. And if we're both a lot happier when we go home at the end of the day and more pleasant to be around that's a winning situation for all concerned.


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