Friday, October 07, 2005

The Difference...

You know that old joke "Do you know the difference between Brick and God? God doesn't think he's Brick."

God Complexes aren't as popular as they used to be. I think they got replaced over the years by phrases like 'Male Chauvenist Pig'; 'Repressed Memory Syndrome'; AAD, AHD, ADHD, LMNOP. But it's still a good joke.

One of the few people still being accused of a God Complex is Bono. This time however the person may not be far off. So not a Real God, but definitely a Rock God.

Almost 25 years in the business and he's still bright, and funny, has something to say, and tries to be involved with something bigger than his own ego or having a room full of Japanese 13-year-olds as a contract rider.

As much as I complain about the Rolling Stones having no business on tour at their age, I'm still interested in what U2 is going to do next and they haven't disappointed me yet.


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