Saturday, October 01, 2005

But since we've mentioned boyfriends....

During the long drive I did a count of the men in my life.

There's the 'Break Glass in Case of Fire' guy who I've been trying to ease out gently. Even if there was nothing else going on, he's just not worth the aggravation. Too much drama for an occasional hookup. Is it better to be permanently 'busy' or should I just tell him it's not happening?

There was a guy I was trying out, might have been good, but someone that suits me better/moved faster came along instead.

There's a casual correspondent where there's a growing attraction and he might be a lot of fun but the suits better guy...

There's Brick, who I almost walked away from everyone for a few days ago, who plays push me-pull me, makes a great effort one day, calls me a bitch in front of our child the next, and expects it to be all better (with no effort from him) the day after that.

And Merv...

Compared to Will (the suits better guy), Merv's not looking too good. Will has been more open and welcoming in the short time I've known him than Merv ever managed to be. So I was pondering all this and realized if I had to have a fierce discussion with Merv about all of this I would be saying the only way I can justify passing up a chance at something good with this guy is if there were profound and massive changes from you and since I've never bought into loving someone on the condition that they change, that's not going to work.

Six is too many even for a polymorous (ok, slutty) type so, what to do?

Break in Case is over except as a casual friend

Try out is over, didn't make the team

CC will stay just that. Talking is fine but there are going to be clear boundaries.

Brick's not going anywhere. If he died tomorrow he'd be a huge part of me till the day I died, both good and bad.

Merv...I will not put him before Will. His unearned reign as Number 1 has ended.

Will, I want to see where it goes. Can he possibly be as nice and sweet as he appears so far? If so, I'm going to have to rethink some core beliefs. If not, what's the risk in trying?


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