Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Great and All-Consuming Love

A friend asked recently 'Is it unusual for one person in a relationship to love more?'

I've always thought that was an inevitablity. Nothing is ever equal.

I've loved more. I've loved less. It's safer to be the one who loves less.

Which raised the question "Are you missing out if you always think about being safe?"

I believe that 'Great and All-Consuming Love' can exist. I've seen it. Part of me longs for it and would love to experience that at least once in my life. Another stronger part of me realizes that kind of love consumes everyone and everything around it.

It's a selfish love. It doesn't care about how many people get hurt. Nothing or no one is as important as the two people and their being together. It's passionate, and intense, and wonderful for the people who can and are loved that deeply. For those around them, best case scenario it's like being the children of Ron and Nancy Reagan, worst case, you're the collateral damage of their great romance.


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