Friday, September 16, 2005

The Very Worst Person in the World

I am all in favor of first amendment rights, but your fingers should be glued together, and your tongue removed.
So a 19-year-old writes a column in a student newspaper. An Op-Ed, not a hard news story (are there hard news stories in college papers these days?). She evidently was trying to be controversial, witty, and make a few points with a light-hearted tone. She has now been declared the Worst Person in the World.
She made people cry. She hurt people's feelings. She scares them that she may represent the future of America. She's a Racist, vicious, awful, terrible person.
She's 19 People!
19-year olds say and write stupid things. My Daddy always said that the word Sophmore meant 'Wise Fool'. I'm not sure if he was accurate or just kidding when he said it but he sure had a point.
Kids, and at 19 you're still a kid, get brilliant ideas that they don't have the perspective to think through to logical consequences. Hell, at 19 I thought being married was a really great idea!
She made a few good points but anything good got lost in the inflamatory language she used to draw people into the column. Bad choice. Bad editing. She probably got a lot more controversy than she ever anticipated. She lost her job. She's probably seeing the best and worst of people right now.
But could we manage to not cut out her tongue and glue her fingers together?


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