Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Emancipation Proclamation

Why do people think they own other people? Not like in the Sudan, which is a whole different situation, but in relationships.

I talk to so many people who are not 'allowed' to be friends with members of the opposite sex, especially men. They aren't allowed to be friends with women, mention women they work with, are flat out told "I don't trust you and I don't trust any women you might talk to."

Leaving behind the what gives anyone the right to say that to another person aspect, don't these women realize that a woman for a buddy may be the best thing that ever happened to their marriage?

A female buddy will ask a guy 'What are you getting your wife for her birthday?', 'When was the last time you took her out someplace nice?", "Dude, don't you ever get her flowers?!' A female buddy can be a sounding board that can interpret womanspeak for a guy who doesn't have a clue, help a guy realize he's wrong and needs to apologize or needs to trust his wife with what he wants and needs.

And what is it like as a woman to view every other woman as a threat? To never be able to let your guard down with anyone? It's a sad way to live. For everyone concerned.


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