Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Loud Silence

I have developed the habit of not saying anything when I'm angry. That can lead to some long and loud silences. Each time I start to speak I stop and think 'Is what you're about to say going to help or cause damage?' and if it's going to be damaging I try to keep quiet and keep working off the anger until I can speak calmly.

I've been very quiet these last couple of weeks.

I love Zach, I do, but I don't remember him being this annoying when he lived at home. Tell him daily 'Don't change the thermostat on the Air Conditioner', he does it anyway. Walk in and realize when he's helping out by washing dishes (at your insistence, not because he thought to volunteer) he's doing it in cold, dirty water.

He never offers to pick up a check, help out with a tip, make any financial contribution, and seems to have a sense of entitlement that he certainly didn't get growing up in this house.

The only thing that's making it bearable is that Zelda has warped back into 'Super Good Child' mode and is being overly helpful, kind, and considerate.

It's as if everyone has fallen back into the roles they've always filled in the family. It's amusing but it also gets old. I may speak sometime tomorrow.


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