Saturday, October 01, 2005

Do What?!!

So I've been going along, relationship juggling like I have for 20 years, and today Brick acted jealous. Why now? Why today?

He asked three times in five minutes about my 'boyfriend'. Since the reason I had been gone was because I drove to where our daughter Zelda will be moving, ate lunch with her, got lost a few times, and drove home (50+ miles each way and I was only gone 3 hours) he must think I'm a really fast mover.

I have been hiding something from him. I've been trying to get a job, interviewing, making practice runs of the commute (it's in Zelda's new town).

Why have I not told him? Well, right after I decided to trust him 'one more time', he spent the day telling me to 'shut up' and called me a 'selfish bitch' in front of someone else. I'm just not feeling like sharing a lot of myself with him right now. Especially not something where I'm already terrified of failing and not being good enough. I need to be focused, not worried about him having a hissy fit and how he'll do his best to sabotage everything. Maggie gets everything she wants...I go in Tuesday for my first day, it goes well, then I tell him. And if I'm really lucky, he's proud of me instead of asking 'Who's going to cook my dinner?' I'm not holding my breath on that one.


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