Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Cats that ate the Cream

You know that Cheshire Cat look? The smug, self-satisfied, I just ate the cream look that makes you either want to laugh or slap Hell out of someone? I've been seeing that a lot this week.

First I saw it on Merv. He's so thrilled over his Stays in Vegas encounter (which ended up being with a regular person and not a Pro) he can barely contain himself. Well. Happy Birthday to him and all that.

Another person I saw give 'The' grin is Cindy Sheehan. She's back on the front pages after those meanie hurricaines stole her publicity. She's the martyr again. Does she give a thought to the 'Nazi Police' who were put in the position of having to warn her and others multiple times that their behavior was illegal and they would be arrested if they didn't stop? Nah, they're expendable as long as Cindy gets the lead on CNN. We must have priorities.

She has admitted a number of times that she never really wanted the President to meet with her (again!) because then she wouldn't have an issue to protest about. So I wonder, if an omnipotent being came to her and said "You can have your son back but, no one knows your name and you have to respect his choices, that he chose to re-enlist after the Iraqi war started." would she take the deal? Or would she justify the sacrifice of her son for the 'greater good' of stopping the war (getting facetime). After all, she's already sacrificed his honor.


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