Monday, October 03, 2005

What the....?

I woke up to the news that after picking someone who looks promising as the new Chief Justice, George W. Bush picks the former head of the Texas Lottery Commission to replace Sandra Day O'Connor. I'm just...thrilled.

Unfortunately, she doesn't have any experience as the head of the Arabian Horse Association but she did a lot of volunteer work with Goodwill and the YWCA and was on the Dallas City Council. And she thinks George W. Bush is the most brilliant man she's ever known.

What is it with this guy that things like experience and accomplishment mean nothing to him compared to an appointee's ability to figuratively suck his dick? There may have been 35 previous Justices that never served as a Judge but I'm willing to bet most of those 35 were way back int he day. Couldn't he have chosen someone who had at least been a Probate Judge?!

It's going to be one heck of a Monday.


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