Monday, October 10, 2005

Bad Boys, Bad Boys...

whatcha going to do?

Police brutality I understand. Doing nothing, driving past people in need, and looting the local Walmart I had a hard time wrapping my head around, but beating up a suspect and roughing up a newsman, I understand.

I can't even begin to explain why they did the first things. The one becomes a policeman unless order and control is something they believe in (excepting those people who know it's a secure job for them, much like getting on at the Post Office). One of the biggest problems is convincing Rookies that their days will be filled with paperwork instead of kicking down doors and shooting people. It's why they apply for the job in the first place. They get to issue orders and make people follow them.

So you have these guys and everything in their lives is out of control. Their homes are destroyed. Their families are scattered. Their public image is horrible. They're seen as part of the problem instead of the guardians there to serve and protect. They're probably pulling 12 hour shifts (which, with paperwork and roll calls is never 12 hours) every day for 6 weeks and the city is probably doing everything it can to screw them out of overtime.

This was inevitable.

It's sort of like a dog chained in a yard. Most dogs are good but if you torment any dog long enough and hard enough eventually they're going to bite.

Not saying what they did was right. And since they're going to take the fall for everything that Department did bad, they'll definitely be punished.

What's a shame is that with a decent Chief maybe this could have been avoided. There would be 'incidents' but nothing that ended up with a skull fracture.


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