Thursday, October 20, 2005

I want to be an anarchist

Why is that even in alternative lifestyles there is always someone wanting to impose a rigid set of rules on how people in that lifestyle should behave?

It must be an inescapable part of human nature because I have explored some extreme things, groups where you would think people would not be into judging others because they would certainly be judged by the straight world if they ever came out. There are people with rules for what you have to do and believe to be gay, polyamorous, a submissive. etc.

Evidently if you're gay (not extreme but not straight) you must be a Democrat, hate Republicans (even if they're you're relatives), shun Red Staters, and march in lockstep on every political issue. No thought, no exploration, no independence.

There are people who go around polyamorous groups, proclaim themselves Poly, and evidently have a checklist that they use to review the comments of others and chastise them if they are not conforming to their view of what Polyamory is.

And then you have the Doms who will say 'You will step into the room for 3 paces, kneel for 4 seconds, crawl to me on your hands and knees, when you reach me you will...There will be no variations' Ask them 'I thought BDSM was for exploring pleasure without a set of rules imposed by society? Why would anyone want to impose a different set of rigid rules?' and you'll get a shocked look and a 'I think we don't need to explore the possibility of a relationship further.' (My heart was broken! I lost the chance to fulfill his every fantasy with absolutely no consideration for what I might want, think, need. I was crushed.)

So I have a few rules of my own; don't lie, follow the Golden Rule, teach your children to behave in public, and dress appropriately for your age and weight. Those are the biggies. I may choose not to be around people who behave in ways I don't like but I'm sure not going to make it my life's mission to go around and tell them how wrong they are.

These people are the Church Ladies of the Alternative World (cue visual of Leather Dom saying 'Well isn't that special').


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