Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Miserable and Unhappy? Part Deux

So I saw the Newsweek article posted somewhere and the first response was " So she's saying that it's better for kids to see their parents unhappy and miserable in loveless marriage? What is that teaching the kids about relationships?"

Where did it say that?!

Maybe the author is talking about the fact that there are different kinds of love. And even in the worst of situations, being unhappy and miserable is a choice.

Do I have a fairy tale marriage? Nowhere close. But I love him. He's a friend. He's my children's father. We have fun and enjoy doing things with each other. We worked past the anger. Sure I still want to strangle him when he doesn't take out the garbage or he's being an ass but, since I can't get my hands around his neck, he's pretty safe.

Maybe all the author is saying is divorce isn't the only answer and it's not an 'easy' solution. There are consequences and the kids end up paying them a lot of the time. Which is the nature of most things. Kids are effected more profoundly than adults. They don't have the same perspective or coping skills and their worldview is still being formed.

And really bad marriages, if there are kids, don't end when you file the papers. The battleground changes and the kids become the weapon of choice. Prime example? Alec Baldwin and Kim Bassinger.

There are not 2 choices; divorced or miserable and unhappy. There is a wide variety of compromise in between.


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