Thursday, February 16, 2006

When the Goose was Cooked

A story came up today that illustrated the problem with long-term marriages. A man goes bird hunting in the early years and kills a goose. He proudly goes home with his kill to show his wife expecting her to ooh and ahh and tell him how wonderful he is. Instead she tells him that geese mate for life and he has destroyed a happy couple and left a gander that will spend the rest of his life alone.

He never went goose hunting again. And he's still kind of bitter about the whole thing.

(as a little aside, with the emergence of DNA that mating for life theory is falling apart. DNA testing on the offspring of these avian life partners shows that they may be paired for life but they're sneaking into the bushes with other birds)

I wonder if his wife remembers the goose?

Many of the things I believed, said, and was willing to fight over in the early years are long gone from my mind but Brick probably has a few goose stories of his own. And he's probably still kind of bitter too.


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