Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Most Annoying Character on a Soap

"Todd You will listen to me!!!"

I can understand a woman's frustration with a man who won't listen but this character takes it to such an unattractive extreme I may never attempt to make a guy listen again.

It's an act that should be used rarely and Blair Cramer has done it about once a week for the last month.

First her husband is about to be executed by the state and is having his last visit with their children before lethal injection. The kids are crying and traumatized and their mother, upset because her husband doesn't want to talk to her (How dare he get upset at her having an affair with the man who framed him for murder and encouraging their children to call the new boyfriend 'Daddy'?) bangs on the door to the room they're in, screaming 'You have to talk to me, Todd!" Because, what's additional trauma to your kids and ruining the last few minutes they'll ever spend with their father compared to your getting your way?

Then she shows up (with the boyfriend) and stands at the glass observation window while her husband receives the lethal injection, demanding he pay attention to her. She has no idea why her husband's sister and attorney are upset at the boyfriend's presence.

Miraculously the husband is brought back from the dead (if I were married to that woman there is no way in Hell I would come back from the light) and ever since she's been pitching a fit at the hospital, demanding to be seen, heard, allowed in his room, barging into exam rooms since she's been banned from his private room. Because, what's letting the man have a couple of days peace to recover from being dead (if not totally completely dead) compared to Blair getting what she wants now, right now!!

You gotta have priorities.


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