Saturday, October 28, 2006

Insert Picture of Woman Screaming

I'd show a really great picture of a woman screaming but the one remaining working computer won't let me move pictures around so I can put them on this darn thing.

I've lost my laptop that I usually work on because, even though it was in plain sight on the coffee table, Brick left a Big Gulp sized glass of water out untended even though he knew the laptop was there and he knew the puppy and kitten use the coffee table as a playing field. Not only did all the water get spilled but no one knows when it happened. All I know is I came home from school and found it sitting in a pool. Amazingly, it died.
I lost my Economics paper, I lost the ability to use the computer in the privacy of my own room, I lost the ability to write in private.

Which is why I was positively giddy when I was told that Brick would be working and Zach was going out Saturday night.

Perfect!! I had to rewrite the paper (and I can't write when people come in and interupt me every few minutes), and I had tests and assignments in two other classes that had to be done by Monday. I arranged my whole schedule around the belief that I would be alone from 3:30 Saturday afternoon till midnight.

It's 6:30 and I'm not alone.

After doing everything but begging Zack to get out for the last three hours I've been put in the position of being a total bitch if I expect him to keep the commitment he made to me days ago. The committment I relied on.

What was I thinking?!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tourist Traps vs. Speed Traps

Speed traps are clearly labeled "Speed Limit 45". Tourists traps have big, flashing signs out front that says 'Rooms $27.99!" and you find out, after standing in line, that it's really $100 for a standard room. I would have left but Brick would have paid anything to stop driving.

The kicker was when I asked about wifi, it did say it was a 'Convention Center' and got a puzzled look and a 'What is this WiFi of which you speak?'


It was even worth the one hour and forty-five minute wait.

It wasn't because the Old MIll House in Pigeon Forge is inefficiently run. It was probably the most efficient place I've ever eaten. The food is plentiful, reasonably priced, good, and, except for entrees, everyone eats the same thing.

You start off with a corn chowder, fritters, and a house salad. You do get to choose your salad dressing but that's no problem because they all come in little ramekins on the side. When your entree comes it's on one plate and the green beans, mashed potatoes, and yeast rolls are served family style. Dessert is one of three choices and ours came preloaded in containers marked 'P' for 'Pie'.

Eating in Three Counties

Louise's Famous Rock Restaraunt was an oasis in the midst of tourist traps and long lines.

It sits in three counties just off of the Blue Ridge Parkway and after our previous stop at an Apple Orchard that charged $14.95 for a $5 jar of honey and served 'Fried Apple Pies' that were pie filling in between Hungry Jack biscuits, it was a blessing.

I had a homemade pimento cheese sandwich and a potato chowder that made it to my Top Ten Soup list and Brick had a Reuben that looked delicious (he wasn't sharing). The menu had a good variety of food, the waitresses were friendly, and the tea was great.

The rest of the day was filled with long lines and deciding we didn't want to see places like Linville Caverns that bad. We'd rather go back in February when there are a lot less people. The possibility of ice and snow sounds better than waiting through a five mile line to get onto Grandfather Mountain.

After battling traffic for a few hours Hwy 321 was a great find, mainly because no one else seems to have found it. We crossed into Tennessee curving through tree covered hills and around lakes. The only drawback was there aren't a lot of places to stop between Boone and Johnson City so make any head calls before you start

And Then...

...we rose about the fog.

It was amazing. We looked down into the valley and saw a sea of clouds. I'd call it a lake but it was roiling like waves. Rising, falling, swirling.

Above The Clouds

We started the day in a fog. The Blue Ridge Parkway is peaceful and quiet in a fog. We drove down the two-lane road and saw the brilliantly colored trees bending over us but everything else was removed.

It was early and no one else was visible. It was like we had the Parkway to ourselves.

Getting Away From It All

Brick and I wanted to get away from it all. Unfortunately everyone else had the same idea. Which is how I found myself in a traffic jam with a faint cell signal, calling motels out of a coupon book that promised reasonable prices only to hear 'Oh that $50 price is now $275 for a standard room'. Which is how we ended up at the Apple Blossom Motel.

The owner was shocked that we were married to each other. The instructions on the back of the door told us to leave the key on the dresser. It was built sometime in the 40s and the electrical outlets didn't have ground plugs much less wifi. But it was quiet, clean, reasonably priced, and had a great fish camp in walking distance.

We feasted on perfectly prepared flounder and baby shrimp and Brick also had stuffed clams and oysters then walked back to our room.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Departed

Wow! Just Wow.

Better than The Aviator and Gangs of New York. Not as good as Goodfellas (will anything ever be?)

Damon was good. Leonardo is not a favorite but he was good and Marky Mark was, well I may have to stop calling him Marky Mark.

Jack played Jack.

You're Kidding, Right?

It comes as a true shock that the superstars (Brad and Angelina) were even allowed back to Pune to continue filming the upcoming movie "A Mighty Heart," after the incredible amount of chaos the pair has caused there recently: from TMZ

They caused chaos? Two people take their child for a touristy ride in a new city they're visiting. How shocking! Horrible!! How dare they?!!

How about putting the responsibility where it really lies? With the flaming assholes who swarmed all over them like rats on fresh meat, swooping in on motorcycles, cameras extended, getting the money shot and to hell with the child and anyone else on the road. That is who is causing the chaos and that's who the Indian government needs to be restricting.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Too Much

There's too much going on to write. Too much school, too much job search, too much Zach.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Last Week's PostSecret

Much as I tell myself that quirkiness makes life interesting, even I ain't buying it.