Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Aliens Have Landed

So I go to the new doctor and she starts to examine the last remaining ovary.

"Excuse me but is that where my ovary is?"
"Yes. Why do you ask?"
"Because that isn't where it's been hurting."

The Nurse Practitioner, that brilliant diagnostician that was in and out in three minutes, thought my ovary was located 5 inches to the right.

So the nonexistent stone has now passed without any help from the medical community, I have a new OB/GYN that I like that listens, I'm getting the ultrasound done in about a week just to be sure, and I'm waiting for the results of my STD testing (don't expect a problem, just being safe).

It was a very good day. One I deserved after the very bad day before.


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