Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dead-Eyed Dick

So I realize it's the first time a Vice President has shot someone since Aaron Burr but come on!!!

According to people who know anything about bird hunting, this sort of thing happens all the's usually not people you hear anything about. It is amusing to see the press corps, which probably knows as much about hunting as I do, going on and on about this as if they were experts. At least I admit I don't know what the heck I'm talking about.

So now the Vice President is a laughingstock (it is funny), everyone knows about this lawyer and his medical condition that no one knew from nothing a week ago, and conspiracy theories are swirling around the Internet (he shot the lawyer to send a message to Scooter Libby...he was his 'hunting buddy' and he tried to quit him...the lawyer's really dead like a Soviet Politibureau member with a 'cold' but they're hiding the information [and the body])

And I know a lot more about birdshot and canned hunts than I ever wanted to know.


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