Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Ghetto Bachelor

Why would anyone want Flava Flav? He's short, he's ugly, his career is over except for sad reality shows on VH1, he was never that big in the first place, he has no money, and he doesn't pay his child support. He also has lousy taste and bad table manners.

And yet there are all these women getting ready to bitch slap one another to be his Chosen Ho and have him say "You know what time it is?" Yes, it's the time when it becomes clear that women have lost all self respect and will do anything to win and be on television.

There is a ragtag collection of liars, strippers, former reality show guests who would screw on Blind Date, and one woman named New York who is doing a damn fine impression of a drag queen. She confidently proclaims that he is 'her' man and no one is going to take him away from her and she's not going to share him with anyone. That she's saying this while he has a bed full of women makes me hope that this is a character she's playing. If not, she's a good illustration of why our society claims monogamy works.

Oh well...maybe VH1 is garnishing his paychecks so his kids get some support.


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